About Paul Boulton Psychic Therapist

My Goal For My Clients

All I can offer you is my commitment to bring you the best of my skills and abilities. I will of course be drawing on my experience of working with thousands of clients over more than 20 years. As I am a professional Psychic and Psychic Therapist, you may expect me to have all the answers to your issues. I am not all-knowing, but I have a good understanding of the behaviour of our survival-focused mind.

Your healing journey is indeed that, your healing journey. I am happy to be adding my experience to helping you get clearer, stronger and lead a more fulfilling life. Our efforts are part of a co-creation that includes your physical, mental, emotional and psychological state known and unknown. Plus other factors with you and the Divine, that may be hidden to you as part of your life lessons, rewards, and challenges for this incarnation.

Being a skilled and committed therapist, I will support you through the process to the best of my ability. The requirement is on you to advise me of any pre-existing health conditions or medication you may be on, especially anti-depressants or recreational drugs. And if you are under the care of a health professional. 

More than 90% of my clients say they feel better, clearer and calmer by the end of a Positive Change Session. 

For others, as everyone’s journey is different, we need to accept that sustained positive changes may require additional Sessions. And in some cases may not actually generate a significant improvement for reasons beyond our desires. Therefore, I do not guarantee specific outcomes, only my commitment to help you. 
