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In a world filled with chaos, finding peace and tranquility is a precious gift. "Do Detachment Daily" offers you that gift and more. This eBook is your compass on the journey to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. It unveils a powerful tool to acknowledge and release negative attachments that have been causing you stress, overwhelm and obsessive thinking. Say goodbye to the endless cycle of worry and hello to a life of clarity, objectivity and empowerment. Your path to a calmer, happier you begins here. Inside my new eBook, you'll discover:
"Hi Paul. I feel like I have taken a contentment pill, my head is quiet and I can feel my heart which is so damned great! I feel like a new improved version of myself. Your work has had an instant effect and I'm so thankful. I've been giving proper hugs now too and it's wonderful. Thank you. Thank you."
Happy Client
Paul Boulton is a professional Psychic Reader and Psychic Therapist who uses his intuitive, empathic abilities to help his clients worldwide. He is based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. For 20 years, Paul has been working professionally from his own psychic reading shops, providing accurate Psychic Readings and his unique Psychic Therapy, conducting over 2,500 sessions so far. Paul is committed to helping his clients to feel empowered by reducing the stressful issues held within their minds using his own version of therapy-based tapping called Targeted EFT Energy Focused Tapping. Targeted EFT helps to boost a person's capacity to live with more self-love, clarity, determination, and courage in their life.
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