Working with me can happen in three ways.
1. Psychic Readings 2. Psychic Consultations 3. Effective Therapy via Positive Change Sessions
Where you are now What is coming up Probable outcomes You now Your life Relationships Working & Home Situations HealthBusiness Finances and more
Paul's accurate Psychic Readings are unique, clear, insightful, which can offer you a present time evaluation and information about most likely probable outcomes as it is seen at that moment. He provides useful guidance that is direct, honest, and real to genuinely help You make the best decisions for your life now. You are welcome to ask any questions. Psychic Consultations allow for a more in-depth topic-specific view to suit your needs that includes an accurate psychic reading and Targeted EFT Tapping where appropriate. They are also very beneficial after a Positive Change Session to help you gain clarity, perspectives, and options for your unfolding new life. Ultimately, your choices, decisions, and course of action are up to you. But the insights provided in these private Psychic Consultations have helped many people be on guard for issues and challenges coming out of left-field. Which is especially useful when dealing with business partners or family members. As they say, "Where there is a Will, there is a relative". Clients have benefited from:
60 minutes
AUD $200.00
2 hours
AUD $395.00
Peace of Mind Clarity Trust Levels Self Love Self Worth Courage Direction Determination Ability to Speak Up Optimism Empowerment And more
A Positive Change Session includes a an accurate psychic reading and effective therapy with Paul Boulton's own version of EFT called Targeted EFT Energy Focused Tapping. Effective therapy with Targeted EFT quickly helps reduce the stress, anxiety and frustration you may be feeling in your life now. Postive Change Sessions are a safe, effective, private and confidential process, which can take approximately two hours, to Spring clean your mind and bring you to a better place within yourself. Positive Change Sessions can be aimed at your specific issues or a combination of these examples:
We all perceive, process and communicate in our own unique way, our version of 'normal'. The layers of our mind stores everything that we have experienced and felt. At any age a stressful or traumatic situation, whether it happened to us, a family member, or we witnessed, felt, or heard about it, can register in our mind for our whole life. For example, you may have been a babe in arms, or even in the womb, and reacted to the stress and fears your mother was exposed to. Our mind perceives our life from the beliefs, fears and experiences it considers to be 'true' for us. Some of these issues can ongoingly drain our emotional, mental and physical energy. The impact of this can have us feeling confused, stuck, overwhelmed, and depressed, with no obvious reason as to why this is happening now. Even if a person, for example, is happily married with a family and achieving well in their life. In my opinion, the quality of your life depends on being able to establish and maintain a healthy mental and emotional balance. Positive Change sessions were created to help you prioritise your health and emotional wellbeing, and enhance your ability to feel joy, excitement, love and success in your life now. In most cases, clients report beneficial changes during and after their first Positive Change session. Can you see the benefits a Positive Change session can provide you?
AUD $395
AUD $197.50 x 2*
* Payments made in two transactions. The second payment is due on the day of your appointment.
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